Life is what one makes of it. One can choose to continue to live in the suffocating net of giving in to one's temptations or take control, open their eyes and drag themselves out of there to become as free as a bird, just as they were born to be ! It's easy to lose control, lose track and get lost in the middle of the trends, the pride factors, and the misunderstood notions of enjoyment and having fun. Real strength and courage lies in never forgetting or undermining the fact that life mustn't be that complicated, and that it's the simplest things that give the most joy. Is a puff of smoke ever more energising than a reassuring hand on your shoulder by a friend that promises you that the going may be tough but it's all going to be okay ? Or has another shot of alcohol in the middle of indecisiveness, self esteem issues or guilt proved to be the best way to tackle with the problems that now seem to be the end of the world but are only just a new beginning ? Let's choose to experience, enjoy and enrich each second consciously - choose each decision, remembering and treasuring every memory along the way, and get high on LIFE. Let's lead a Drug Mukht life !!
- Rtr. Bhavya Sharma
Club Editor
Rotaract Club of Delhi Janak
We thank Rotaract Club of Bhandup, Rotary International District 3140 for letting us become a part of their intiative.